Monday, September 30, 2013

Child Labor in the Mills (Blog #3)


This is a picture of a little mill girl looking out the window. It seems as if she is daydreaming about something. Maybe she is wishing she could be outside playing or wishing that she could be home with her parents. It must have been hard for children that had to work in the mills. They didn't get to enjoy their childhood. They just worked all day and didn't get much time to just be a kid. I feel like this photo really shows that because this girl is displaying a longing to be somewhere other than the mills. This really looks like the kind of photo that would be on the cover of a book that tells a story of this girl that always wanted to go on adventures and dreamed about her prince charming, but the reality of her life is completely different from her dreams. Maybe someday some writer will come across this photo and have the same idea.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Native American Portraits Blog #1

After seeing some portraits of Native Americans, it is clear to see that they were very weary. They seem as if they are suffering. Seeing pictures like this makes me feel bad for them because they were not treated kindly by the whites. Some white people did not even consider them human and did not consider their thoughts or feelings. It is just cruel that humans could treat other humans that way. Being forced off of their land where generations of their families had lived and being forced to live the same lifestyle as the whites was probably really hard for him. I know that if I were a Native American during those times I would feel the exact same way. I would want to strike back and fight for my own way of life, which is exactly what they tried to do. Overall, the picture above is a dipiction of the Native Americans suffering, and tells us that their fight for their land was very emotionally important to them.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Native American Name (2)

If I were a Native American, my name would be Fluffy Butterfly. My first name would be fluffy because my friends tell me that I have a fluffy personality. I also have an extreme love for fluffy stuff. My friends describe my personality as fluffy because I am one of those people that are always looking at the positive side of even the worse situations, and it takes a lot to really get me depressed. I also have a tendency to yell out "fluffy!" when I am feeling something fluffy.

The word butterfly is very symbolic to me. It started out as me just randomly saying "butterfly" when I have no idea about what else to say. However, one day one of my best friends gave me a butterfly necklace and wrote me a note saying that she was so thankful for me helping her get through some really hard times, even the ones she didn't  tell me about. She said that every time I see the necklace she wants me to remember how much I have grown up and that I am growing into a beautiful butterfly. This touched my heart and meant so much too me. I hope that as a get older, I will eventually metaphorically become a "beautiful butterfly." So you see, even though the name Fluffy Butterfly seems kind of silly, it has so much meaning and importance to me.